Master track
Master track

master track master track master track

Select all the other buses and perform the same CTRL/output assignment on them tooīuses are at the bottom of the track view in a separate pane and in the middle section of the Console view. While holding down the CTRL key set one of the selected tracks and change its output to the default bus. Select all the audio/instrument tracks (note MIDI tracks do not route to audio tracks or buses) To change the routing on existing tracks/buses: Bit depth Use 24bit (or 32 bit if available). Import 2 3 commercial reference tracks that are similar in style and composition to the song you’re mastering. Peaking at 3dB 6dB below digital clipping). any new audio/instrument tracks will automatically point to this bus. Export your mix session with at least 3dB 6dB of headroom (i.e. Right-click the bus header in the track view and select "Set as Default Bus" and optionally rename the bus. To add a "Master Bus" to a project that does not have one already setup: While not required, it is a good idea to have all audio/instrument tracks and buses ultimately route though one bus. When creating projects without a CbB supplied template, it is up to the user. The "Master Bus" provided by the project templates supplied with CbB is just a regular bus with its "Set as Default Bus" option enabled. Here is a little more info about the "Master Bus" It does not show up in the track inspector for a MIDI track because MIDI tracks do not contain audio. The image above with the MIDI track 1 in the inspector, shows a master bus setup in the project.

Master track